
Hello Hi Bonjour and welcome to... Farnland!

A more personalised and decorative version of the farnul experience- also known as a personal website. Here you can find my 101% correct, objectively amazing, unhornswogglable opinions on whatever crosses my path, alongside whatevers in the sidebars or my blog.
Perhaps you're wondering who the deviously beautiful being known as Farnul, Full name Farnul Fanible Farniblus Farnibbal VII is? Well no idea. Go check my about.

This site's a major WIP at all times and always will be because that's the point of living. "Everyday I'm alive, I'm, alive!" as Freddy D said.
Graphic design has never been my passion, so I just want what I want out there and decoration can come whenever I'm not swamped. Sorry...

Tested on librewolf with my shitty old pink toshiba TV that I use as a monitor, so if the site is too large it's your fault. Coded using pheonix code. Don't even try using mobile to view my site. Making your site responsive is for normiecucks.

More will be added down here. Eventually.