Please don't hotlink/leech
I'm actually working on remaking these, feel free to still use them though.
Links out to me
Basically whatever's not in my navbar, lesser used sites.
Bluesky Toyhouse Sheezy art Neocities profile
Old Twitter extension that makes twitter usable.
Phrontistery Rare and archaic words
Wordsmith, a word a day A word a day!
Dreamwidth Favourite blogging site
Fixed Point Observation Japanese street fashion pictures, created to see trends across the year. Goes back to the 90s iirc
Pings Dex For pre world (has rise for some reason) MH games, much more useful than Kiranico imo
Calibre Desktop EPUB/PDF/MOBI/whatever other ebook file ebook reader and organiser
Erowid Site about psychedeliiics
drugs data Erowid's anonymous laboratory and drug checking program
Open Library The internet archive's alternative to goodreads. Good if you don't want to support amazon as well as their data collection.
Clive Barker My all time favourite author's website c:
Howlongtobeat Site that takes data from steam games to see how long they take to beat and also how long they take to 100%
cobalt tools video downloader, I used it mainly for twitter but oldtwitter has removed that problem.
doujinstyle Doujin music downloader